Online Donation Form

We are very grateful for donations of any amount. If you would like to designate your contribution for a particular purpose or program, please let us know in the box below. You may also wish to consider Westfield membership and its benefits together with a donation.

Friends Circle Levels

Sustainer: $5,000 or more
Benefactor: $2,500 – $4,999
Underwriter $1,000 – $2,499
Sponsor: $500 – $999
Supporter: $250 – $499
Donor: $100 – 249

Annual Membership

$75 regular/$45 student

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

If you prefer to make your donation as a paper check, please send to the following address:
Westfield Center for Historical Keyboard Studies
101 Lincoln Hall, Department of Music
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4101

Your Information

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Personal Message and/or Funding Designation:

Payment Info

Questions? Problems? Contact [email protected].

No credit card information is received or stored by the Westfield Center.

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